“What, then, shall we say in response to these things? If God is for us, who can be against us?”

We often forget how great our God is, the creator of the universe who spoke everything into being. The one who gave us the breath we breathe, who can split the sea so that his people can walk through the Red Sea. Who shut the mouth of lions to protect Daniel. Gave people who couldn’t speak a voice. Gave people who were blind, sight.

God allowed us to come into this country and establish a family good friends, the opportunity to study in well-established universities among other people from various countries. To be in this church where we can learn the word of God. He has done incredible things in our life.

We should be confident like David who went against the giant Goliath, he went in confidence that his God will deliver him! (1 Samuel 17:37). We should have faith whenever we are going through hardship that God will deliver! Have faith like Abraham who took his to sacrifice, has believed that his God is powerful enough to bring his son back to life! He has delivered in the pasy when we faced turbulance and we will deliver us again this time with whatever we are facing currently. God is Good!